Dora Sena


Recurso 1300

Synopsis: Faced with the difficulty of finding more comprehensible legislative projects for the average citizen, and discovering the lack of proposals to address the health crisis caused by COVID-19, a decision was made to create a fictional character: DORA SENA a Senator of the Republic of Colombia, brought to life by an artificial intelligence system. DORA aims to create a space for reflection amidst the pandemic. Can a machine generate legislative projects for dystopian situations?

Technical details:

Director: Jorge Caballero.
Producers: Anna Giralt Gris and Jorge Caballero.
Duration: 6 min.
Year: 2020.
Festivals: Brooklyn Film Festival, Barcelona Independent Film Festival L’Alternativa, Bogotá Short Film Festival Bogoshorts, Imagine Science Film Festival, ISFF.
Awards and nominations: Bogoshorts Official Selection National Competition – Best National Short Film.